++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ THE DATA_TEMPLATE.TEXT FILE FOR X-RAY STRUCTURE DEPOSITION ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ REMINDER AND GUIDELINES FOR USING THIS FILE 1. Only strings (values) included between the 'lesser than' and 'greater than' signs (<.....>) will be parsed for evaluation. 2. All the input strings CAN NOT contain the three characters (", < , >). Blank spaces or carriage returns within <..> will be ignored. 3. NEVER change the data item names (first column) inside of the brackets. 4. NEVER remove the equal sign (=) after the data item in the brackets. 5. If more groups are needed, same number of data item should be added. 6. The items marked by '!' are mandatory. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++ START INPUT DATA BELOW ++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ================CATEGORY 1: Contact Authors============================= Enter information about the contact authors.(mandatory) 1. Information about the Principal investigator (PI). !(must be given 1) !(Dr./Prof./Mr./Mrs./Ms.) !(e.g. John) !(e.g. Rodgers) !Fixed. Do not change! !(or commercial, government, other) !(e.g. name@host.domain.country) !(e.g. 610 Taylor road) !(e.g. Piscataway) !(e.g. New Jersey) !(e.g. 08864) !(e.g. United States, United Kindom, . ) !(e.g. 01(617) 555-1213 ) 2. Information about other contact authors (responsible scientist, investigator) (e.g. 2,3 ..) (give responsible scientist or investigator) ...(add more groups if needed)... ================CATEGORY 2: Release Status============================== Enter release status for the coordinates, structure_factor, and sequence Status must be chosen from one of the following: * for coordinate & structure_factor (RELEASE NOW, HOLD FOR PUBLICATION, HOLD FOR 8 WEEKS, HOLD FOR 6 MONTHS, HOLD FOR 1 YEAR) * for chemical sequence, (RELEASE NOW or HOLD FOR RELEASE) !(e.g. HOLD FOR PUBLICATION) !(e.g. HOLD FOR PUBLICATION) !(RELEASE NOW or HOLD FOR RELEASE) ================CATEGORY 3: Title======================================= Enter the title for the structure !(e.g. Crystal Structure Analysis of the B-DNA) ================CATEGORY 4: Authors of Structure============================ Enter authors of the deposited structures (at least one author) !(e.g. Surname, F.M.) ...add more name if needed... ================CATEGORY 5a: Primary Citation ============================ The primary citation is the article in which the deposited coordinates were first reported. If the citation has not yet been published, give 'To be published' to the item 'primary_citation_journal_abbrev' and leave pages, year, volume blank. Enter the author name of primary citation !(e.g. Surname, F.M.) ...add more name if needed... Enter journal information of the primary citation (e.g. To be published) ================CATEGORY 5b: other citations (optional) ================ Other related citations may also be provided, if applicable. 1.Enter the author name of other citations (e.g. 1, 2 ..) ...add more name if needed... 1. Enter journal information of the other citation (e.g. 1, 2, 3 ...) ...(add more other citations if needed)... ================CATEGORY 6: Molecule Information======================== Enter the names of the molecules (entities) that are in the asymmetric unit NOTE: The name of molecule should be obtained from the appropriate sequence database reference, if available. Otherwise the gene name or other common name of the entity may be used. e.g. HIV-1 integrase for protein , RNA Hammerhead Ribozyme 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1 ) (e.g. RNA Hammerhead Ribozyme ) (e.g. polymer , non-polymer, macrolide ) (e.g. man , nat, syn) 2. For entity 2 (e.g. 2 ) ...(add more group if needed)... ================CATEGORY 7: Molecule Details============================ Enter additional information about each entity, if known. (optional) 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1 ) (e.g. ligand binding domain, hairpin) (e.g. C280S) (if known: e.g. 2. For entity 2 (e.g. 2 ) ...(add more group if needed)... ================CATEGORY 8: Genetically Manipulated Source============= Enter data in the genetically manipulated source category If the biomolecule has been genetically manipulated, describe its source and expression system here. 1. For entity 1 !(e.g. 1 ) !(e.g. Homo sapiens) (e.g. RPOD, ALKA...) (e.g. BH10 ISOLATE, K-12...) (e.g. 562 ...) (e.g. Escherichia coli) (e.g. BL21(DE3)) (e.g. plasmid) (e.g. pET26) (any other relevant information) 2. For entity 2 ...(add more group if needed)... ================CATEGORY 9: Natural Source (optional) =================== Enter data in the natural source category (if applicable) If the biomolecule was derived from a natural source, describe it here. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1, 2..) (e.g. Homo sapiens) (e.g. DH5a , BMH 71-18) (e.g. organ, tissue, cell ..) 2. For entity 2 ...(add more group if needed)... ================CATEGORY 10: Synthetic Source (optional)================== If the biomolecule has not been genetically manipulated or synthesized, describe its source here. 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1,2. ) (if known) 2. For entity 2 ...(add more group if needed)... ================CATEGORY 11: Keywords=================================== Enter a list of keywords that describe important features of the deposited structure. Example: beta barrel, protein-DNA complex, double helix, hydrolase, etc. !(e.g. beta barrel) ================CATEGORY 12: Biological Assembly ====================== Enter data in the biological assembly category (if applicable) Enter the number of polymer chains that form the assembly in solution !(e.g. 1 for monomer, 2 for dimer ..) ================CATEGORY 13: Methods and Conditions===================== Enter the crystallization conditions for each crystal 1. For crystal 1: (e.g. 1, ) !(e.g. BATCH MODE, EVAPORATION, SLOW COOLING) (e.g. 7.5 ...) !(e.g. 298) (in Kelvin) !(e.g. 5% DMSO, 100 mM HEPES; PEG 4000, NaCl etc.) ...(add more crystal groups if needed)... ================CATEGORY 14: Radiation Source (experiment)============ Enter the details of the source of radiation, the X-ray generator, and the wavelength for each diffraction. 1. For experiment 1: !(e.g. 1, 2, ...) !(e.g. SYNCHROTRON, ROTATING ANODE ..) !(e.g. NSLS BEAMLINE X8C ..) !(e.g. 1.502, or a list 0.987,0.988 ..) !(e.g. CCD, PIXEL, AREA DETECTOR, IMAGE PLATE ..) !(e.g. CCD, ADSC QUANTUM 1, ..) (e.g. mirrors...) !(e.g. 2004-01-07) !(e.g. 100 ) (in Kelvin) !(e.g. SINGLE WAVELENGTH, MAD, ...) (e.g. GRAPHITE, Ni FILTER ...) !(default M, give L if Laue diffr.) ....(add more experiment group if needed).... ================CATEGORY 15: refinement details (optional)============ Enter the details of the structure refinement. (if applicable) (e.g. pdbid 100D) ================CATEGORY 16: database (optional)====================== Enter the database name for each molecule (entity), (IF KNOWN). 1. For entity 1 (e.g. 1 ) (e.g. BMCD, BMRB, EMDB, PDB, NDB, TargetTrack ) (e.g. 1ABC, 100D, TNKS2_HUMAN ) (e.g. 100D, Q9H2K2 ) ...(add more group if needed)... ================CATEGORY 17: Ligand binding (optional)================== !(A unique identifier such as 1,2,..) (Chemical sequence if known) (e.g. SMILES, SMILES_CANONICAL, InChI,InChIKey) (e.g. Cc1cccc(c1)C1COc2cc(O)c(O)cc2C1 ) (Type of binding assay. e.g. 'competitive binding') (e.g. IC50, EC50,Ki,Kd) (The value measured. e.g. 8300.0) (pH value at which the assay was performed. e.g. 6.4) (temperature (K) at which the assay was performed. e.g.273) (details of the measurement). ================CATEGORY 18: Structure Genomic (optional)============== If it is the structure genome's project, give the information (e.g. PSI, Protein Structure Initiative) (e.g. Berkeley Structural Genomic Center) =====================================END==================================